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Not concentrated nitric acid

Not concentrated nitric acid


Тs 00203068-08:2013 (CN of FEA code 280 800 0000)

Weak nitric acid is intended to produce ammonium nitrate, complex mineral fertilizers, for oxidizing processes, for national economy and export needs.


Highest grade

First grade

Second grade

Physical configuration

colorless or yellow liquid without mechanical impurities

Mass fraction of nitric acid, %, no less than




Mass fraction of nitrogen oxides (on conversion to N2O4), %, no more than




Mass fraction of residue after ignition , %, no more than




Note: the output of highest grade product with mass fraction of ignited residue no more than 0,01 % is allowed as agreed with consumer.

Safety Requirements: nitric acid is incombustible, flammable liquid, in contact with many combustible materials causes their self-ignition. It is an energetic oxidizing compound; during exposuring of nitric acid the animals and plant tissues are destroyed. It is toxic. Vapors of nitric acid and nitrogen oxides irritate upper air passages, causing conjunctivitis and injure of eyes cornea.

Nitric acid is water-absorbing. It is heavy smoked in the air, exhaling nitrogen oxides and vapors of nitric acid which form fog with air moisture. Weak nitric acid by toxicity refers to 3rd class of hazard.

Packaging: poured into glass cylinders, barrels, in tightly closing vessels made of stainless steel and tanks.

Transportation: by all modes of transport (except airplane) in accordance with the rules of transportation, effective for given kind of transport.

Storage: in stainless steel tanks, barrels or cylinders, in covered storehouses at temperature no more than+ 40ºС.

Guarantee term of storage: 6 months since the date of manufacturing.

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