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Concentrated nitric acid (HNO3)

Concentrated nitric acid (HNO3)


GOST 701-89 (CN of FEA code 280 800 0000)

Method of strong nitric acid manufacturing is magnesium nitrate process.

Strong nitric acid is produced in two grades: “A” and “B”.

“A”-grade is used in manufacturing of articles in electronic and radio electronic industries, in nitration processes of organic compounds, in production of explosives, in chemical treatment of metals, in medical industry and plastics production.

“B”-grade is used for galvanic works, in manufacturing of chemical regents for solving impurities in chemical products in nitration processes of organic compounds, in production of explosives.





Mass fraction of nitric acid, %, no less than



Mass fraction of sulfur acid, %, no more than



Mass fraction of nitrogen oxides (N2O4), %, no more than



Mass fraction of residue after ignition , %, no more than



Safety Requirements: strong nitric acid is incombustible inflammable liquid, strong oxidizer. In contact with many materials causes their self-ignition, it is heavy smoked in the air. In case contact with skin strong nitric acid causes severe burns. Vapors of nitric acid and nitrogen oxides irritate upper air passages, causing conjunctivitis and injure of eyes cornea. By toxicity the strong nitric acid and nitrogen oxides have a moderate hazardous substance (the 3rd class of hazard).

Packaging: poured into special tanks made of aluminum, in aluminum barrels.

Transportation: in compliance with the rules of transportation by rail transport in special tanks made of aluminum; by road transport in aluminum barrels and also through pipeline.

Storage: in aluminum or steel containers. 

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