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Market Survey for the procurement of nitrous oxide (N2O) abatement technology

Market Survey for the procurement of secondary nitrous oxide (N2O) abatement technology

16 Jul 2024г.


In the framework of the Nitric Acid Climate Action Group (NACAG) Initiative, JSC “Maxam-Chirchiq” is launching a market survey. The objective is to assess the conditions for the eventual contracting and supply of secondary nitrous oxide (N2O) abatement technology at our nitric acid production plant located in Chirchiq city, Uzbekistan.

We invite interested suppliers, both national and international, to participate in this survey. The results will be used to determine the cost of goods and services required by Maxam-Chirchiq and to prepare the Terms of Reference for the eventual tender procedure. 

Supporting documents, including preliminary terms of reference and quotation format, can be requested via email at nitrogen@maxam-chirchiq.uz

Notice: Participation in this market survey is not a binding prerequisite for participation in the eventual tender. 

How to participate:

To participate in this market survey, interested suppliers must send an email to nitrogen@maxam-chirchiq.uz to obtain preliminary terms of reference and quotation format.

Contact Information:

Email: nitrogen@maxam-chirchiq.uz

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