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Low density ammonium nitrate solution

Low density ammonium nitrate solution

Low density ammonium nitrate solution

Ts 00203068-80:2019 (CN of FEA code 310 230 9000)


A solution of low-density ammonium nitrate intended for the production of industrial explosives and in other industries or exports.

Physico-chemical characteristics of the solution of low density ammonium nitrate must comply with the standards indicated in the table:


Name of indicators



light gray liquid

Mass fraction of ammonium nitrate,%, not less


Hydrogen index (pH) of a 10% aqueous solution


Mass fraction of calcium (Ca + 2),%, no more


Mass fraction of iron (Fe +3), %, no more



Safety requirements: Work with a solution of ammonium nitrate must be carried out subject to individual protection measures in accordance with GOST 12.3.037 in special clothing in accordance with GOST 12.4.016.

According to the degree of impact on the human body, a solution of ammonium nitrate refers to moderately hazardous substances (3rd hazard class) according to GOST 12.1.007

A solution of ammonium nitrate is a light gray liquid with slightly acidic properties. In contact with skin, a hot solution of ammonium nitrate causes thermal and chemical burns. The resulting solution of ammonium nitrate must be washed off with a plentiful stream of water.

In the case of crystallization, the ammonium nitrate solution can be heated by steam of the corresponding parameters to a temperature not exceeding the crystallization temperature of the solution by more than 5° C.   

Transportation: ammonium nitrate solution is poured into special tanks of model 15-1482, according to the technical description 1482.00.000 TO and filled not more than 90% (by volume) with a temperature not lower than 90° C.

Tank filling hatches must be carefully sealed with gaskets made of materials resistant to the action of ammonium nitrate solution.

Tanks should bear the inscription “Low density ammonium nitrate solution”.

Storage: ammonium nitrate solution is stored in stainless thermally insulated containers with a heater, at a temperature above the crystallization temperature.

Warranty period of storage: ammonium nitrate solution 15 days, provided that the temperature is not lower than the crystallization temperature of the solution.



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