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Technical Magnesium Sulphate

Technical Magnesium Sulphate


Ts  00203068-30:2015 (CN of FEA code 283 321 0000)

Commercial-grade magnesium sulphate is a magnesium fertilizer containing about 9% of magnesium. It is soluble in water, does not become cake, well seeded. Magnesium stimulates the phosphorus entry from soil and assimilation by plants. Magnesium deficiency in the soil causes plants marbling of leaf, chlorosis plants. In such cases use the magnesium fertilizers.

Magnesium fertilizer increases the crops of fruits and vegetables, improves its quality: starch content of potatoes, fruits and vegetables vitamin consisting.


Sulfur plays an important role in plant life. The main part of it is contained in plant proteins: amino acids and organic compounds-enzymes, vitamins, and fats. Sulfur is involved in the metabolism of nitrogen and carbohydrates in plants, respiration, and fat synthesis.

From the point of view of physiological importance to plants, sulfur may take the third place after nitrogen and phosphorus. According to a number of Russian and foreign scientists, the most frequent sulfur deficiency in grain products is perceived by producers as a nitrogen deficiency.

Sulfur has a positive effect on product quality-it increases the percentage of gluten in wheat, increases the amount of fat in sunflower and soybeans.

Lack of sulfur. The growth and development of plants is disrupted, and small pale-yellow leaves are formed on long branches. Experiments on wheat show that the lack of sulfur during the growing season leads to a decrease in photosynthesis, yield and grain quality.

In excess of sulfur, the leaves turn yellow at the edges and get tangled inside, and then turn a darker color and do not develop.



Magnesium is one of the most important plant nutrients. Therefore, proper feeding is especially important during periods of their growth. After nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, magnesium is one of the most important plant nutrients. In this case, magnesium literally plays a central role because it is necessary for the formation of chlorophyll. Without magnesium, the plant would not be able to perform photosynthesis.

Magnesium is naturally present in garden soil. It is less in light, sandy and acidic soils than in medium-heavy and heavy soils. So, in light and acidic soils, magnesium is often not even enough. In addition, rainfall and watering removes about 4 to 8 grams of magnesium from a square meter of garden soil each year, and plants absorb the soil magnesium along with other nutrients.

During the growth process and during dry periods, the need of plants for magnesium is highest. 


Physical configuration

crystals or powder white color with yellowish ton

Mass fraction of magnesium sulfate (MgSO4x7H2O), %, no less than

In terms of mass fraction of magnesium oxide (MgО), %, no less than



Mass fraction of water-insoluble residue,%, no more than


Mass fraction of chloride - ions (Cl), %, no more than


Mass fraction of iron ions (Fe), %, no more than


Safety Requirements: the product is not toxic, flammable and explosion-proof. By degree of impact on human body it is referred to 4th class of hazard. Observe the measures of individual protection and personal hygiene.

Packaging: in polyethylene bags and sacks of 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 30, 40 kg.

Transportation: by all kinds of transport, ensuring its safety, in accordance with the rules of transportation, effective for given kind of transport.

Storage: in covered, dry and clean storehouses, protected from moisture, mudding and mechanical damage of container.

Guarantee term of storage: is unlimited.

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