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Ts 00203849-144:2020


NPK 20:20:20 (CN of FEA code 310 520 1000)

NPK 18:7:14+2Mg (CN of FEA code 310 520 1000)

NPK 18:18:18+3Mg (CN of FEA code 310 520 1000)

NPK 11:5:22+6Mg (CN of FEA code 310 520 1000) 

  NPK 18:6:19 (CN of FEA code 310 520 1000)

 Water-soluble NPK - fertilizer with microelements gives the maximum effect when applied to all types of soils and under any crops on personal plots, in gardens, orchards. It is used for the main (for digging the soil in spring and autumn) and local (in the holes) application, as well as for feeding plants during the growing season.

Water-soluble NPK - fertilizer with microelements is a universal, completely soluble fertilizer. Designed for all plants in the garden and in the garden. Recommended for greenhouse crops, vegetables, fruit crops and flowers in open ground. The fertilizer is highly effective for irrigation and foliar feeding - it promotes the growth and development of crops, improves the development of the root system. The composition of the fertilizer includes all the elements of feeding necessary for plants, which ensures the needs of the plant at all stages of development, and also increases the quantitative and improves the qualitative parameters of the crop.

Water-soluble NPK - fertilizer with microelements differs in the ratio of the main nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as the presence of a secondary nutrient -magnesium, and are produced in the following brands:

- NPK 18:7:14+2Mg;

- NPK 18:18:18+3Mg;

- NPK 11:5:22+6Mg;

- NPK 18:6:19.

- NPK 20:20:20.

Water-soluble NPK - fertilizer with microelements in terms of physical and chemical properties must comply with the standards specified in the following table:


 Indicator name

Norm for brands


NPK 18:7:14


NPK 18:18:18


NPK 11:5:22


NPK 18:6:19

NPK 20:20:20


Powder or fine crystals


Mass fraction of total nitrogen (N) in dry matter, %






Mass fraction of total phosphates P2O5 in dry matter, %






Mass fraction of potassium in terms of K2O in dry matter, %






Mass fraction of magnesium in terms of MgO%, not less






Mass fraction of hygroscopic water, %, no more






Mass fraction of a fraction with a particle size less than 1 mm, %, not less






Friability, %, not less






pH of an aqueous solution with a mass fraction of 10%, not less








Nitrogen is a substance that plays an important role in plant metabolism, and is also a part of organic nitrogen compounds, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, chlorophylls, alkaloids, many types of vitamins and other substances.

Plants in the period of rapid growth and the formation of concentrated vegetative organs (horns and leaves) absorbs and assimilates large amounts of nitrogen.

Effect on plants. The nitrogen supply determines the growth process, the volume and intensity of protein synthesis and other nitrogenous organic compounds in the plant. Nitrogen deficiency especially affects the growth of vegetative organs. The photosynthetic apparatus is a weak development of the leaf and horn as a result of nitrogen deficiency, which in turn restricts the formation of productive organs and leads to a decrease in yield and a decrease in the amount of protein in the product.

Lack of nitrogen. Main symptoms: impaired growth of vegetative organs as a result of impaired formation of chlorophyll and the formation of light green or yellowish-green leaves.

Abundance of nitrogen. Excessive nitrogen supply leads to an increase in vegetative mass, a decrease in yield and a deterioration in quality. Reducing the sugar content in sugar beets leads to an increase in "harmful" nitrogen in the sugar production process, a decrease in the starch content in potatoes, and the accumulation of nitrates in vegetables and melons that are harmful to humans and animals.


Effects on plants. Among the organic compounds of phosphorus, there are complex, multi-molecular, nitrogenous bases consisting of carbohydrates (ribose and deoxyribose) and phosphoric acid - nucleic acids play an important role in plant life. Phosphorus is a part of phosphatides (phosphoglycerides), which form protein-lipid cells and control the absorption of various substances. Most of the phosphorus in the plant is in the form of phytin, as well as vitamins and various enzymes.

Phosphorus plays an important role in energy metabolism and various other metabolic processes in plants. It is involved in carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism, photosynthesis, respiration, and the breakdown of organic substances into enzymes.

Lack of phosphorus. Plants suffer from a lack of phosphorus at a young age, when their root system is not sufficiently developed and has a feature of small development. Even with the subsequent feeding process with a large amount of phosphorus, the negative consequences of a deficit during this period lead to an irreversible situation.

Phosphoric nutrition is also important in the formation of reproductive organs. A lack of phosphorus during this period stops growth and slows down the crop, which leads to a decrease in yield and a deterioration in the quality of the crop.

With a phosphorus deficiency, plant growth quickly slows down, and their leaves (first at the edges, then over the entire surface) become gray-green or reddish-purple. In cereals, the accumulation and formation of grain stalks is reduced.



Potassium is involved in the management of the main processes of plant development and plays an important role in their life. These include: increases the activity of enzymes, participates in photosynthesis, regulates metabolism in plant tissues, participates in carbohydrate and protein metabolism, regulates the water balance in plants, increases plant resistance to stress, including cold, drought, pesticides and diseases.

Effects on plants. Potassium in plants performs various physiological functions. It has a positive effect on the state of cytoplasmic colloids, increases their hydration, increases puffiness and stickiness, which improves the metabolism in cells, and also increases the resistance of plants to drought.

Potassium deficiency leads to disruption of some metabolic processes, which leads to reduced productivity and poor quality. Potassium increases the cold resistance of plants by increasing the osmotic pressure in the cells and increasing the sugar content in them.

Sufficient potassium intake increases plant resistance to diseases such as powdery rose in cereals and rust diseases, as well as to fungal pathogens in vegetables and potatoes.

Potassium increases plant resistance, stem strength, and the quantity and quality of flax and hemp fiber.


Magnesium is one of the most important plant nutrients. Therefore, proper feeding is especially important during periods of their growth. After nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, magnesium is one of the most important plant nutrients. In this case, magnesium literally plays a central role because it is necessary for the formation of chlorophyll. Without magnesium, the plant would not be able to perform photosynthesis.

Magnesium is naturally present in garden soil. It is less in light, sandy and acidic soils than in medium-heavy and heavy soils. So, in light and acidic soils, magnesium is often not even enough. In addition, rainfall and watering removes about 4 to 8 grams of magnesium from a square meter of garden soil each year, and plants absorb the soil magnesium along with other nutrients.

During the growth process and during dry periods, the need of plants for magnesium is highest.

Doses and terms of use:

Water-soluble NPK- fertilizer with microelements is applied at a dose of 0.75-1 grams per liter of irrigation water in the early stages of vegetation and germination of plant seeds.

Recommended to apply with every watering.

Foliar dressing: Water-soluble NPK - fertilizer with microelements is applied at a dose of 3-5 kilograms per hectare.

To apply fertilizer to the soil in the spring, you need to wait until the soil warms up. Depending on the region, the period starts in April or May, and in some areas from mid-March. The first processing is carried out in parallel with digging. The dose is selected taking into account the type of crops planted. When planting seedlings, 2-4 grams of fertilizer are preliminarily added to each hole and mixed with the soil.

Safety requirements: The premises intended for the production and packaging of NPK fertilizers with microelements must be provided with supply and exhaust and humidifying ventilation. Work with NPK fertilizer must be carried out in compliance with personal protective measures. When using it, the consumer is recommended to work with rubber gloves. Do not smoke, eat or drink while working with complex fertilizer.

If fertilizer comes into contact with the skin, rinse the area with running water.

If it enters the stomach, drink a few glasses of a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, induce vomiting. After work, wash your face and hands with soap, rinse your mouth.

Packing: NPK fertilizer with microelements weighing 10 kg is packed in plastic bags and paper, plastic bags.

Transportation: NPK fertilizer with trace elements is transported by all modes of transport, except aviation, in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this mode of transport.

Storage: NPK fertilizer with trace elements is stored in closed, dry and clean warehouses, excluding the ingress of atmospheric precipitation and groundwater.

Warranty period of storage:12 months from the date of manufacture. 

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