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Urea resins of «KS-11» grade

Urea resins of «KS-11» grade

UREA RESIN of «KC-11» grade

TSh 6.1-85:2001 (CN of FEA code 390 910 9000)

The resin of KC-11 grade is designed for production of mineral-cotton components as binding and for other purposes also.

The resin of KC-11 represents the product of semi-condensation of urea with formaldehyde.


Physical configuration

Homogeneous suspension from white to yellow color

Mass fraction of dry residue, %


Miscibility of resin with water in weight ratio 1:20, during 4 months resin storage under the temperature (25±1) °С


Relative viscosity under (20±1) °С by viscosimeter ВЗ-1 with nozzle of 5,4 mm diameter


Concentration of hydrogen ions, pH


Mass fraction of free formaldehyde, %


Transportation: in railroad tank cars in accordance with traffic activity regulations, effective for particular mode of transport.

Storage: Under the temperature (25±1)°С in hermetically closed container, protected from exposure to sunlight and atmosphere precipitation.

Guaranteed storage period: 4 months from the date of manufacturing.

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