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Coordinating and advisory bodies



I. General Meeting of Shareholders


(consist of 2 shareholders)


II. Supervisory Board


(consist of 7 members)


III. Board of Directors


(consist of 8 members)


I. General Meeting of Shareholders


Supreme governing body of JSC "Maxam-Chirchiq" is - the General Meeting of Shareholders.


Shareholders are the JSC "Uzkimyosanoat" (51%) and company «Maxam Corp International SL» (49%).


General meeting of shareholders at the company's management is guided by the Charter of JSC "Maxam-Chirchiq" shareholders agreement, the contract of sale the company's shares, the Regulations for the General Shareholders' Meeting, the law on joint-stock companies and protection of shareholder rights, the Law on Securities Market and other laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan Decree of the President of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, orders and decisions of State Committee of competition of Uzbekistan and JSC "Uzkimyosanoat", as well as other regulations of the state.











II. Supervisory Board


Members of the Supervisory Board elected at the General Meeting of Shareholders:


Full name of the member of the Supervisory Board

Currently occupied position


Ibragimov Normat Sadullaevich

 Chairman of the Executive Board of JSC “O’zkimyosanoat”.


Juan Jose Montoro Lopez

 CEO “МАХАМCORP International SL”.


Askarov Djamalitdin Ahmadalievich

 Senior Legal Adviser of "MAХAMCORP International SL».


Nurali Solievich Chuliev

 Chief Accountant of SJSC “O’zkimyosanoat”


Bibutova Shahlo Sadullaevna

 Head  of privatization department of JSC “Uzkimyosanoat”.


Rakhmatullaev Bekzod Rajapboevich

 Head of Legal Department of State Competition Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


The Supervisory Board in the management of the Company is governed by the Charter of OJSC "Maxam-Chirchiq", joint-stock agreements, purchase and sale of shares of the Company, Regulations of the Supervisory Board, the Law on joint-stock companies and protection of shareholder rights, the Law on Securities Market and other laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decrees President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, orders and decisions Goskomkonkurentsii Uzbekistan and GAK "Uzkimyosanoat" and other normative legal acts of the state.

III. Board of Directors


Board members are elected at a meeting of the Supervisory Board:


Full name of the member of the Board of Directors

Currently occupied position


Saydahmedov Hotam Anvarovich

‎‎ Chairman of the Executive Board of JSC «Maxam-Chirchiq».


Puertas Cano Manuel

 General Director of JSC «Maxam-Chirchiq».


Umarov Ibraim Shayevich

 Chief engineer – Technical Director of JSC «Maxam-Chirchiq».


Adamchak Arkadiush Petr

 Financial Director of JSC «Maxam-Chirchiq».


Farmanov Valeriy Muminovich

 Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board on Transportation of JSC «Maxam-Chirchiq».


Sobirov Holtoy Mirzatoevich

 Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board on Social Affairs of JSC «Maxam-Chirchiq».


Kosobucki Michal

 Commercial Director of JSC «Maxam-Chirchiq».


Janusz Marian Mackowski

 Production Manager of JSC «Maxam-Chirchiq».


Board in the management of the Company is governed by the Charter of JSC "Maxam-Chirchiq", joint-stock agreements, purchase and sale of shares of the Company, Regulations on the Board of Governors, the Law on Joint Stock Companies and the protection of shareholder rights, the Law on Securities Market and other laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan , resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, orders and regulations of the Republic of Uzbekistan and State Competition Committee, JSC "Uzkimyosanoat", as well as other regulations of the state.