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Information about the company

JSS «Maxam-Chirchiq» is a joint stock company, which is jointly owned by the SJC «Uzkimyosanoat» Corporation and «Maxam Corp, International SL».

SJC «Uzkimyosanoat» - the company that manages state assets. Currently, the company consists of 11 large industrial enterprises, 13 regional distribution companies, design and scientific research institutes, freight forwarding company and 3 joint ventures.

Corporation «Maxam Corp, International SL» is one of the major chemical producers in the world. Corporation headquarters is located in Spain, the corporation also has offices and production facilities in different regions of the world.

JSS «Maxam-Chirchiq» is one of the largest enterprises in the chemical industry of Uzbekistan, which produces more than 40 kinds of products. Output products are mainly exported to CIS and foreign countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia and others.
The company pays great attention to the implementation of an integrated management system in accordance with international standards ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 50001: 2018, ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 45001: 2018.