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Scope of activity

Purpose. The main objective of the Company - the integration of economic interests, intellectual capacities, both tangible and intangible, human and financial resources to the shareholders for doing business for profit.
Subject of activity. The main objects of the Company are as follows: Production, and its implementation in the internal and 'external markets, as well as sales of products abroad in freely convertible currency at world market prices;
Construction and repair and construction works, capital construction;
Designing industrial facilities;
Shipping by rail, shipping and road transport of passengers;
Implementation of foreign trade activities, including production and technical and technological re-equipment of the Company and to develop its export base, taking part in various international cooperation;
Of trade and intermediary works, including mediation and services for the declaration of goods;
Wholesale and retail trade;
Production, processing, preparation and implementation of agricultural and pastoral products;
Opening branded shops and catering facilities;
Production and filling of chemical foam and carbonate-acid fire extinguishers, fire and implementation of measures;
Preparation of precious metals from spent catalysts, catalysts processing in order to obtain non-ferrous metals and their salts; Provision of services for local telephony, mobile network operation radiotelephone;
Printing activity;
The organization of improving rest homes for the Company's employees and their family members;
Provision of paid services to the population;
Maintenance and improvement of production facilities and technologies;
Perform other, not contrary to the law of action related to or related to the primary purposes of paragraph Activities of the Company. During the period of activity to achieve their goals. The Company carries out other economic activities in accordance with the present Charter and legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad, is not prohibited by applicable laws.
Types of reality, is under license. The economic activity of the Company shall be strictly and fully in accordance with applicable legislation. If for certain activities required to obtain out by public authorities permit or license. The Company does not carry out such activities without obtaining permission from government bodies or license.
Transactions with shareholders. Taking into account the rules of joint agreements in contracts concluded between the Company and shareholders or related thereto persons should not be selfish interest. It is understood that such contracts are concluded on the basis of the legal conditions / financial independence, following the standards of a certain direction, and the terms of such contracts should not be acceptable for a third party that has no relation to the Company. Activities between the Company and its shareholders or related to them persons are carried out on the basis of written contracts that are primarily studied the relevant authorities of the Board of the Company and approved by the Company's executive bodies.
International quality. To bring in compliance with international industry standards, the Company is implementing appropriate procedures and rules to ensure consistent quality and enabling the implementation of these products to the world market in unlimited quantities.