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In 2004-2007, a number of papers aimed at increasing production volumes. According to the program of modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of enterprises of the chemical industry for the period 2007-2011 year at OJSC "Maxam-Chirchik" is planned to implement three major projects.

1 Reconstruction and modernization of large-scale ammonia plant AM-76 in the period up to 2009. The aim of this project is to update the technological equipment and devices, which is expected to increase in the production of ammonia from 243.8 thousand. Tons. up to 420 thousand. tons per year.

2 Modeonizatsiya and technical re-equipment of urea production for the period 2009-2011. The aim of the project - increase urea production to 270 thousand. Tons per year.

3 Modernization and technological re-equipment of production of nitric acid, the AK-72 and AK-72M. The aim of the project - the establishment of a stable security nitric acid ammonium nitrate production at the enterprise and supply of acid for export.

4 In addition, planned to build a new plant for the production of ammonium nitrate, low-density capacity of 60 thousand. Tons per year.