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Subordinate Organizations

Unitary Enterprise "Palace of Culture"

Unitary Enterprise "Palace of Culture"

Manager: Rakhimberdiev Karim Mayokubovich
Position: Director

Unitary Enterprise "Palace of Culture" is the republican property.In the great hall of the Palace of Culture periodically hosts a variety of events for the company's employees, their families ipensionerov society "Madad".

LLC "Ok-tosh kimyogarlar Oromgohi"

LLC "Ok-tosh kimyogarlar Oromgohi"

Manager: Saitov Zhamollidin Zhumanovich
Position: Director

LLC "Ok-tosh kimyogarlar Oromgohi" located in a green valley Tracts "Aktas".
Includes recreation zone "Aktas' and Children's Health Camp" Kimyogar "

Children's Health Camp "Kimyogar"

Children's Health Camp "Kimyogar"

Manager: Miralimova Oynisa Dehkonbaevna
Position: Director

LLC "Ok-tosh kimyogarlar Oromgohi" located in a green valley Tracts "Aktas".
Includes recreation zone "Aktas' and Children's Health Camp" Kimyogar "

A subsidiary of the "ex-Synthesis"

A subsidiary of the "ex-Synthesis"

Manager: Abdurazzakov Abduvohid Abdughanievich
Position: Director

A subsidiary of the "ex-Synthesis" commercial organization created to meet
needs of the company's employees in the food and industrial goods.

Ltd «Chirchik Agro Food»

Ltd «Chirchik Agro Food»

Manager: Sodikov G.
Position: Director

Livestock complex, created to meet the needs of society workers in food products (mainly milk, meat and other agricultural products).

Adress: Tash region., Chirchik city, Tashkent street, 2.
Теl: 0 (370-71) 9-31-74